Pregnancy Week 1
Summary | Pregnancy week by week 1
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You’ve missed your period and have decided to do a home pregnancy test and the results are positive. You’re one week pregnant. Now what?
Well it would be you in your best interest to confirm the results by taking a second home pregnancy test and to visit your local doctor’s office to confirm your pregnancy status.
You’ve done a second pregnancy test and have received another positive result. Congratulations from Nine Months Due, you’re in the first stage of becoming a parent. It’s estimated that you’re in week 1 of trimester 1 of your pregnancy.
Pregnancy Signs & Symptoms
During the first week of pregnancy you may or may not feel any different from the weeks before, as the signs or symptoms may be mild and unnoticeable. The only difference now is that you have the knowledge that there’s a new life growing within you. For some women this can be an extraordinary feeling whilst for others it can be equally terrifying.
Many women who are pregnant have expressed experiencing one or two of the below common signs or symptoms during their first week of pregnancy.
- tiredness or fatigue
- headache
- irritability or mood swings
- nausea with or without vomiting
- frequent urination
- breast changes including tenderness, swelling, or tingling feeling, or noticeable blue veins
- raised basal body temperature
- bloating in the belly or gas
- mild pelvic cramping or discomfort without bleeding
- food cravings or aversions
- a heightened sense of smell
- metallic taste in the mouth
Share with us | What symptoms did you experienced during week 1 of your pregnancy?
Pregnancy Pictures
At this stage of confirming your pregnancy status there may not be much of an image to see how the new life within you is developing. However, we have provided the below illustration of the first stage of pregnancy during the week one.
Pregnancy Questions
At this point many questions may be circulating your mind, like what should do I do next?, Am I ready to be a parent?, Who do I tell? How should I feel? and many other questions. These are all relevant but for now your primary concern is to ask yourself what do I do next? and what should I anticipate?
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