What are possible reasons for a negative pregnancy test with no period?

Negative pregnancy test no period? Whew! What’s happening? When will I get a baby? It’s painful to have no period – and you expected to – and then when you take a pregnancy test you get a negative pregnancy test no period result.

A negative pregnancy test no period result doesn’t mean you’ll not have a baby of your dreams in the next 9 months. It does not mean you’re not pregnant. Rather, it’s an indication that one or two things didn’t go right somewhere. It’s not a problem to do with your body.

You rushed to take the pregnancy test

Pregnancy tests rely on hCG hormones to show whether you are pregnant or not. After fertilization of the egg and implantation of the embryo in the uterus, your body starts producing hCG. The hCG hormones are still in very small amounts in the early days of pregancy.

It takes more than 6 weeks for the hormones to reach maximum, and they can be detected easily by the pregnancy tests. Another thing worth noting is that the sensitivity of pregnancy tests varies. Some pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others, and they can detect low hCG count in your urine.

Most of the pregnancy test manufacturers advertise that their pregnancy tests are very sensitive and can show that you’re pregnant 5 days prior to your period. You should know that all bodies are unique. Some women produce hCG faster than others and thus such pregnancy test kits can show pregnancy 5 days prior to a missed period. It’s not the case with most women. Their bodies take time before hCG can rise to maximum counts.

Thus, if you rushed to take a pregnancy test, it’s the reason you have a negative pregnancy test no period. It’s recommended you wait for at least another two weeks before taking another pregnancy test to determine whether you’re pregnant.

You’ve not ovulated

Implantation of the embryo on the uterus takes place about 9 days after ovulation. Further, it takes about 5 days for hCG hormones to rise to detectable levels. It’s only after 5 days that a pregnancy test can show if you’re pregnant or not.

Thus, if you have a negative pregnancy test no period, it might be because you’ve not ovulated. It’s important to wait for two weeks before taking another pregnancy test to avoid disappointments or to be sure if you’re pregnant.

What should you do after a negative pregnancy test no period?

It’s wise to book an appointment with your doctor. The doctor will do further examinations and determine whether you’re having problems that may be delaying your menstrual period.

Take time to discuss the negative pregnancy test no period result with your doctor. If you cannot handle the anxiety of waiting for two weeks and take another pregnancy test, ask the doctor to do blood tests to determine whether you’re pregnant.

The blood tests can show pregnancy even when the hCG count is very low in your body.

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